CH. VII – Education
63- Public schools
64- School age
65- Secondary schools
66- University
63- At what age do children go to school in Britain?

Children first attend the infants’ school or department. At 7 they move to the junior school and the usual age for transfer from junior to secondary school is 11 (12 in Scotland). In some areas, however, ‘first’ schools take pupils aged 5 to 8, 9 or 10, and pupils within the 8 to 14 age range go to ‘middle’ schools.
64- What are the different types of secondary school?

Nearly 88 per cent of secondary school pupils in England go to comprehensive schools, as do all pupills in Wales. These take children of all abilities, and provide a wide range of secondary education for all or most of the children in a district from the age of 11 to 16 or 18.

A small minority of children attend secondary modern schools (around four per cent). These schools provide (fournir) a more general and technical education for children aged 11-16.
Specialist schools, which only operate in England, give pupils a broad secondary education with a strong emphasis on arts, business and enterprise, engineering, humanities, mathematics and computing, music, science, languages, technology or sports. There are over 1,950 specialist schools. They charge no fees (droits d’inscription) and any secondary school can apply for specialist school status.
Academies are publicly funded independent schools sponsored by private and voluntary organisations. Their aim is to offer new respnses to the school failure that sometimes occurs in city areas.
City Technology Colleges (CTCs) aim to give boys and girls a broad secondary education with a strong technological and business slant (perspective). They are non-fee-paying independent schools, set up by the Government with the help of business sponsors who finance a large proportion of the initial capital costs and develop links with the schools. There are now 14 such colleges in operation in England.
65- Why are ‘public’ schools so called?

Parents of pupils attending independent schools pay for their education, and in some cases fees can amount to several thousand pounds a year. Some pupils gain scholarships and their expenses are covered by the schools.

Originally, many public schools stressed a classical education, character training and sports, but the curriculum is now closely allied to state education.
In Northern Ireland there are a few independent fee paying schools catering for a very small proportion of the school population; they do not receive any support from public funds.
Schools in Scotland supported by public funds are also called 'public schools' but they are not fee-paying, independent schools.
66- Which is the oldest university in Britain?

In 1209, scholars running away from riots in Oxford set up the first academic community in Cambridge. The University is also organised as a federation of colleges; the oldest, Peterhouse, dates from 1284. The largest college, Trinity, was founded by King Henry VIII in 1546.

The University of Wales was founded in 1893. It consists of six colleges, the oldest one being the University of Wales, Lampeter, founded as St David’s College in 1822.

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